Saturday, May 9, 2009

Event Management Certificate

Let talk about various event management certification. If you want to see the whole list, then check out event management certificates section at They have pretty good collection of all the event certifications. Let’s talk about ACFRE Program today. It stands for ‘advanced certified fundraising executive program’. It is administered by the ACFRE board. This board is made up of five members (four members from AFP and one from public). AFP is association of fundraising professionals. To know more about other event management associations check out the event management website.

In order to get this certificate, you need to clear four stages. The first stage is to send an application for appearing in an exam. In this application you need to write about your education and employment to the non-profit organizations. The second phase is to successfully clear the written examination which tests your skills and knowledge in fundraising, leadership, management and general development.

In the third stage, you have to send your portfolio for review. Your portfolio must consist of a planning document, fundraising materials and a case statement. It must demonstrate your competence in training, teaching, management, writing and creativity. The fourth and final stage is ‘oral peer review’. These reviews are conducted by ACFRE certification board to test the knowledge level of fundraising ethics.